Sunday 10 March 2013

March and My Journal Days 1-9

I decided to join the journal challenge hosted by two Finnish bloggers Terhi from Hupsistarallaa and Inari from Ikomi. The tasks in English are in Ikomi and in Finnish in Hupsistarallaa. I did not get to do mine in time, so I have been playing catch up. You will get daily updates from now on, but in this blog post you get all the NINE first days worth it, today's comes a bit later.

My decision to participate was driven by a wish to discipline myself to take a pen to the paper daily. It really doesn't matter what the result is, but it is important to do it to encourage the creative flow. AS a bonus I might even get back into drawing, who knows!

Day 1. A front page for your journal. I am not journal writing type of a person so here are my feelings and my page:

Day 2.  Introduce yourself.

Day 3. How do you feel waiting for spring?
I am so predictable.

Day 4. What do you need today? What do you want today?

Day 5. Write a message with letters cut out of magazines. I don't have many magazines and not really any I would like to cut. Sooo. I dived into my craft treasury and found a Russian language newspaper I got as a packaging material in something I bought from ebay. The magazine is published in this country.
On the left is the print I used for my Christmas cards year before last. I called it "The Communist Fox" for fun.

Day 6. If money and space wouldn't limit you, what would you collect? That's not difficult to guess, is it?

 Day 7. What did you do a year ago in March?

Day 8.  Collect five random sentences from blogs you read today.

Day 9.  Add a recipe you would like to try or have been looking for.
 I have fancied the idea of making my own proper chocolate without too much sugar a LONG time. Maybe this will spur me into action.


Kotilaiska said...

Katsoin kaikki sun sivut , mahtavia kaikki, olet tosi idearikas. Harmi vaan että englanninkielentaitoni on olematon sillä sun tarinat saattas myös olla hyviä eikä ainoastaan kuvat

Mama Elf said...

Kiitos kamalasti, että viitsit katsoa, vaikka jorinat jääkin lukematta. Olen yksinkertaisesti liian laiska kirjoittamaan useammalla kielellä. Bloggaukseni ei muutenkaan aina ole niin aktiivista ja jos vielä tekisin kahdella kielellä, niin luulenpa että se jäisi erittäin harvaksi.